it started on 15 feb 2006...
i was waiting for a bus and suddenly he stood up in front of me with a smiling face and he keep on saying 'hai,ko lupa sdh'. and immediately i started to think where on earth i know this guy..oo yes he's the one with me in the flight from kuching way back to kk..and story of us started there...he ask for my fon no..ask me for a movie 'big momma house 2'.we go for a drink..
16 feb 2006..
he want to meet we macdonald restaurant..and after that we went for a jalan2..and after we went back home,we started messenging each other..and he ask if i wana be his girl..and neva tot of anything..i say YES..=)
and after that we have d best moment ever...that time we not really into taking picture but luckily there still a few we have.

its kinda sad thats d only picture we had on 2006..
but its really a lot of things hapen that year..when we first met both of us are in kk.after may he finish his practicle at ums. on july if im not mistaken he had to go back to politeknik kuching to finish his courses..and on september we had a very very big fight but then we manage to work it out at the same month i went to kuching to meet him.he bought ticket for me =)
and after that we didnt see each other for about 3 months.he's in kuching,im in kk.he's in kk now and i'm at lahad hometown.
Year 2007..
here we are..a new year..
first thing i recall about this year is..the first day of this year..we had a fight..hahaha it is all because i wanna spend tym wit him,and he's like i'll be very busy..bla.bla.bla..
but finally we still had a good time together =)
on january i have to go back to kk to start my new semester dats mean i can meet him again..we not really meet each other every day.because he stay at his mother house at papar and its kinda far and will cost him a lot to go to kk..
but is also a very memorable moment with him as day goes by..
its May alrdy..
finally i finish my foundation..and he still looking for job..after i finish my exam again i went back to lahad datu.after a few weeks in l.d, he said he got a job but he have to go to k.l...its really frustrate me cuz i can not go to kk to meet him before he fly to kl..

August now..
its been 3 months since we didn't meet each other.and the really big thing is I'm going to kl to further my study. I'm taking bachelor of accounting and luckily it didnt offer at kk =)
so here we now together again in this strange place.. he started to work alrdy..and his life very busy,apart from his work,he have a cousin that always need him by her side, he got new friend that he always hangout with.and suddenly he had to include me in his life. being here in kl with him..was really a happy moments for me.because i can be with him all the time..but i never tot dat he dont like my present here with him..i guess i came at the wrong time..despite all the happy thing that we had gone thru, i always cry all night thingking of what he did to me.. i hate to recall back cuz when i do it will make me feel stupid at a time and hate him..ok enough wit d memories
i must go back to sabah..cus its semester break.and no he did not go back to sabah cuz he will have a very nice new year plan wit his cousin at's some picture of us from diz year
dont really said bout picture we took..we even went to kl for jalan2 only once....
there's no word best describe my feeling for him this year..but I HATE HIM so much...
im so hurt...
i think enough for now..we'll continue bout me and him next post..
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